Aim: to compare a very low-carbohydrate (LC) and a low-fat (LF) diet on fasting blood lipids, LDL subclasses, postprandial lipemia, and insulin resistance in overweight and obese women.
Aim: to compare a very low-carbohydrate (LC) and a low-fat (LF) diet on fasting blood lipids, LDL subclasses, postprandial lipemia, and insulin resistance in overweight and obese women.
"VLC diet Targets E: -500kcal/d based on individual E need Carb: ~10%E Protein: ~30%E Fat: ~60%E LC bars and shakes (Atkins Inc.) were provided. Intake Targets E: 1288kcal/d Carb: 9.1%E, 28.7g/d Protein: 27.8%E, 87.6g/d Fat: 62.5%E, 88.4g/d"
"LF diet Targets E: -500kcal/d based on individual E need Carb: ~55%E Protein: ~20%E Fat: ~25%E Intake: E: 1243kcal/d Carb: 58.9%E, 186.1g/d Protein: 18.9%E, 59.0g/d Fat: 20.6%E, 29.2g/d"
"VLC diet was SS favored over LF diet for improvements in weight, FBG, HDL-C, TG:HDL ratio, HOMA, fasting insulin and VLDL subfraction %. The LF diet was SS favored for total-C, LDL-C. Results similar for TG "
"WG: NR BG: Y Baseline→Wk 4 VLC 86mg/dL→83 LF 86mg/dL→88 BG SS p≤0.05 "
"WG: NR BG: N BG SS favoring LF Baseline→Wk 4 VLC 183mg/dL→185 LF 183mg/dL→170 BG SS p≤0.05 "
"WG: NR BG: Y BG SS favoring VLC Baseline→Wk 4 VLC 52mg/dL→53 LF 52mg/dL→48 BG SS p≤0.05 "
"Total LDL-C, oxidized LDL WG: NR BG: N LDL-C: LF SS favored oxidized LDL: BG NSS "
"Total TG WG: NR BG: N TG:HDL-C ratio WG: NR BG: Y TG: HDL ratio Baseline→Wk 4 VLC 1.91→1.37 LF 1.91→1.83 BG SS p≤0.05"
"WG: NR BG: Y Weight change at 4 wks VLC: -2.96kg LF: -1.06 BG SS p≤0.05"
"WG: NR BG: Y Baseline→Wk 4 VLC 41.0pmol/L→37.4 LF 41.0pmol/L→50.5 BG SS p≤0.05"
"HOMA WG: NR BG: Y Baseline→Wk 4 VLC 1.28→1.10 LF 1.28→1.63 BG SS p≤0.05"
Excellent compliance -- all subjects in ketosis during VLC diet.
"Oral fat tolerance test SS BG Lipoprotein fractions, %s 11 measures: only one was SS changed VLDL WG: NR BG: Y VLDL% Baseline→Wk 4 VLC 17.2%→13.9 LF 17.2%→16.6 BG SS p≤0.05 LDL particle size WG: NR BG: N BG NSS"
"""Compared to a LF weight loss diet, a short-term VLC diet did not lower LDL-C but did prevent the decline in HDL-C and resulted in improved insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese, but otherwise healthy women. Small decreases in body mass improved postprandial lipemia, and therefore CVD risk, independent of diet composition."" "
AHA - American Heart Association;
ALT - alanine aminotransferase;
AMDR - acceptable macronutrient distribution range;
AST - aspartate aminotransferase;
BG - between study groups;
BHOB - beta-hydroxybutyrate;
DBP - diastolic blood pressure;
E- energy, caloric intake;
eGFR - estimated glomerular filtration rate;
FBG - fasting blood glucose;
GGT - gamma-glutamyl transferase;
HDL-C - high-density lipoprotein cholesterol;
iGFR - isotope glomerurar filtration rate;
LDL-C - low-density lipoprotein cholesterol;
NAFLD - non-alcoholic fatty liver disease;
NR - not reported (or data needed for calculation not available);
N - no;
NA - not applicable;
NS - not specified;
NSS - not statistically significant;
SBP - systolic blood pressure;
SS - statistically significant;
TG - triglyceride;
total C - total cholesterol;
V - varied, mixed;
WG - within a study group;
WMD - weighted mean difference;
Y - yes
Number of People in Studies:
3,296 Enrolled in randomized controlled trials on 25% or less carbohydrates
2,626 Completed randomized controlled trials on 25% or less carbohydrates
79.67% 82% completion of studies
Duration of Trial
<6 Months
6-9 Months
1 -2 years
>2 years
# of Trials
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