Press Release: Low-Carb Action Network Applauds Congressman Johnson on Commitment to Science in Dietary Guidelines
June 10, 2020

June 10, 2020
Press Contact: Jessica Wharton
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Low-Carb Action Network (L-CAN) today applauded Congressman Dusty Johnson (R-SD) on his letter to Agriculture Secretary Perdue and Health and Human Services Secretary Azar outlining his concerns with the development of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines and calling for a delay in the expert report by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC), due out on June 17.
“We greatly appreciate Congressman Johnson’s commitment to developing Guidelines that reflect the latest science and allow Americans battling metabolic diseases to regain control of their health,” said Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, L-CAN Director, and medical doctor.
Congressman Johnson’s letter stated that “after repeated failures of the DGA to prevent, much less reverse, the worsening diet-related health of Americans, it is time for the DGAC to stop digging the hole it’s standing in. We urge you to direct the Committee to suspend its June 17 deadline for its preliminary report and reopen consideration of scientific literature that can provide realistic advice for the majority of Americans who suffer from diet-related conditions, including diabetes and obesity.”
Johnson’s letter continued, “This process should involve allowing review of scientific studies on weight loss, studies on subjects with existing diet-related health problems, and all studies on low-carbohydrate diets.”
According to the latest Center for Disease Control numbers, the rate of adult obesity in the U.S. is now at 42.4 percent, and more than 114 million U.S. adults have pre- or type 2 diabetes.
“The-one-size-fits-all approach in the current Dietary Guidelines is simply inappropriate for the growing number of Americans with nutrition-related illnesses. We join Congressman Johnson in urging a delay of the expert report until all scientific literature, including on low-carb diets, is reviewed to properly inform the 2020 Guidelines,” said Dr. Cucuzzella.
The text of Congressman Johnson’s full letter can be found here.
The Low-Carb Action Network is a coalition of doctors, academics, advocates, and Americans with personal success stories, urging U.S. nutrition leaders to include a true low-carb diet as part of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.