Success Stories: Brian Wiley
December 29, 2019

Age 46, Dayton, OH
I discovered low-carb when my wife and I stumbled across an old Dr. Atkins book years ago. I still think that book is one of the better resources for people new to low-carb diets to learn from. I decided to give it a try after struggling for years with my weight. Low carb is the only thing that has ever worked for me. One of the many things I have learned is how to read food labels for ingredients – there are so many hidden sugars and bad ingredients in processed foods and it’s important to know what you’re putting in your body. I lost 100 pounds in about a year of low carb, and have kept it off for 11 years now. All of my health markers have improved so much, as has the quality of my life. I credit low carb with saving my life, and now my passion is to help as many others as I possibly can to improve their lives just like I have!