Blog: At-Home Advocacy: Create and Share Your Message Effectively
July 16, 2020

By Jessica Wharton
On Wednesday, July 15 the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee released their final report which excludes all low-carbohydrate studies, all trials on weight-loss, and fails to address numerous process and methodological concerns.
Disappointingly, this report was released amidst a rising chorus of objections to the way the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) are being developed. Nutrition groups, medical doctors, and Americans from across the country are highlighting concerns around process and methodology flaws, and the shocking exclusion of virtually all low-carbohydrate studies and weight-loss trials.
The voices of individuals have real impact and have never been as important as NOW. There are only two weeks left before Congress breaks for August recess. Below is a four-step process to create and share your message effectively.
- The way you tell your story is key
Words matter. A national movement is stronger when we all “sing from the same hymnal.” The first step to crafting an engaging message is to identify the “ask” for your message.
L-CAN is asking that USDA and HHS delay the final report of the Dietary Advisory Committee until it review ALL relevant science, especially low-carbohydrate studies and weight-loss trials. - Personal stories engage audiences
Are you a low-carb success story? A medical doctor? Whatever reason you have joined forces with L-CAN to advocate for a low-carb diet is unique and powerful. Don’t be afraid to share your personal passion and add your story to the conversation.
If you’re looking for inspiration on how to present your success story or a platform for sharing it, visit L-CAN’s Success Stories. - Direct your messages to the right audience
So, you’ve crafted the perfect message by combining an “ask” with your personal story. Now what? The right message presented to the wrong audience will have no impact. If you’re sharing you story on Twitter, below are the handles of important offices to tag and the hashtag L-CAN is using. In addition to Twitter, you can also contact your Members of Congress through the L-CAN website.
Twitter Tags:
Twitter Hashtag:
#DelayTheDG - Follow Up
Advocacy doesn’t end after sending a message to Federal agencies and your Members of Congress. It is important that you follow up with these offices to check on their response and remind them that you still care about the issue. Creating direct relationships with these officials is an essential step in advocacy that many people don’t do. You can visit your Representative’s website to find the telephone number for the office, then ask for the staff member who handles nutrition issues to check on your message and reiterate your “ask.”
Your at-home advocacy efforts are vital in supporting the work L-CAN is doing in Washington, day in and day out. If you have any questions about advocacy efforts or crafting effective messages, contact us at